Yaki Naran

                                        Scientific Name - Atalantia ceylanica

This is a small native citrus plant that grows up to 2m in height with extensive branching and sometimes grows as a shrub. Thorns are located on the stem and branches. Growing foliage is light green or yellow and mature leaves are dark green. The flowers are white and borne in an inflorescence. Yaki naran fruit is a fleshy pulp and many seeds can be found in the fruit.  Fruiting is glandular with citrus. Propagation is by seeds and roots. Yaki Naran is a plant belonging to the Rutaceae family.  The name Ududehi is also used locally for Yaki Naran. 

Yaki Naran leaves, bark, roots, fruits, etc. are used to treat asthma, heartburn, fever, anorexia, swelling of joints, skin diseases, snake venom, etc. In particular, the Yaki Naran plant has a special property of working against respiratory diseases such as asthma. 

Inhaling the steam of steamed Yaki Naran leaves brings relief to rheumatism.

  • Porridge prepared using the juice of chopped leaves is good for the fermentation of phlegm and also for controlling fat in the blood.
  • A paste of ground yaki Naran leaves is applied to the face as a treatment for arthritis.
  •  It is said that when indigestion is severe, extracting the juice from the plant and pressing it with a heated iron, and giving it mixed with honey will give benefits.
  • The oil obtained from the fruit is applied to swelling of the joints, sprains, cramps, etc.
  • Washing with boiled kasha of yaki Naran leaves is a treatment for itchy skin diseases.
  • It is said that if you drink a lot of yaki Naran green porridge, it protects the liver and prevents diseases like jaundice and fatty liver.  Yaki Narang leaf porridge is given to drink with Kitul jaggery to remove inflammations and allergies and to control jaundice when it forms.
  • Leaves are also used to treat eczema.
  • For bee and wasp poison, yaki Naran roots are rinsed with lime juice and placed in the mouth.
  • Yaki Naran to control blood fat and drinking Yaki Naran porridge alternately with curry and Heen Bovitia can improve cholesterol levels.
  • Fruit juice is used for sambola and it is mixed with vinegar to make a flavoring. It also removes the appetite caused by fever.
  • Yaki naran is also used for sacrificial offerings and is taken along with lemons, oranges, Naran, nas naran, and side run in the collection of citrus fruits required for sacrifices.
  • They say that if you see bad dreams, you should tie a string of yaki Naran branches to get rid of them.  It is said that the Yaki Naran branch can also protect trees bearing fruit from eyes and mouths.
  • Smoking yaki Naran leaves can repel mosquitoes.

It is mentioned that the peel of the citrus fruits, as well as the yaki naran fruit, has anti-cancer properties.  There are many cases where yaki Naran is used alone in the treatment of various diseases.  Also, yaki Naran leaves and bark are used as one type of medicine used in local herbal remedies.  Along with several medicinal plants, the yaki Naran plant is also used as a herb.

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